231 Front Street, Lahaina, HI 96761 info@mynonprofit.com 808.123.4567


We aim to provide you with reliable transportation and the ability to get you where you need to go – work, shopping, school, medical appointments and other services.

Please note that our updated fare structure. You can purchase tickets and passes through the Token Transit phone app or paper passes through our transportation office.

Bus Routes & Schedules

We offer regularly scheduled bus and van service throughout York County.

Other Transportation Services

We offer a variety of transportation services by reservation to get you to work, school, shopping and medical appointments.

Join Our Volunteer Driver Team

Become a Volunteer Driver using your vehicle to transport York County residents to appointments and receive mileage reimbursement!

Our transportation program drives an average of 1,900 miles each day and provides about 70,000 rides every year.
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